Saturday, November 20, 2010

Almost done bricking

Week 3 of brick work done and it's almost finished. Meter box is in along with the brick piers on the North wall of the garage. The rest of the entry is done and half of the front feature is done, dodgy footings or no.

The study feels like quite a nice space, not as small as we were worried about, the photo doesn't do it justice. I like the small window, might put a desk right next to it so we can turn to the side and look out, feels kind of cosy.

The hallway, ugh, it really is narrow. Once again, perhaps not as bad as the photo makes out, but better to have bigger rooms than a big hallway, all you do is walk through it.

The view from the other end, doesn't seem so bad. The two doorways closest lead into the minor bedrooms and the far one goes through to the garage.

Hard to get a good shot inside the bedrooms, they're actually quite a decent size, 3x3.7m from memory, not including the space for the built in robes you can see at the end of the room. Some of the dodgier display homes included these spaces in their room dimensions to make them sound bigger, for shame.

We opted to go for these "L" shaped windows to give us more wall space and allow different furniture arrangements. Not much to see outside the windows anyway once the fences go in.

Standing in the theatre, looking out toward the kitchen, lounge, dining area. The boys have even started to sweep up some of the mess.

120" projector screen goes on this wall right here. One day...

Back to the garage, the big gap in the wall to the right will be a full height recess from the entry hall. Since there will be brick piers on the garage side anyway, we sort of cheated a feature without adding double brick where there didn't need to be any.

We saw it done in a display home and they had a full height mirror in the recess with a small ledge for keys & junk near the door. It should really help to make the entry feel bigger.

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