Thursday, June 23, 2011

Practical Completion Inspection

We had our PCI today and we decided to use an independent inspector. We spent about 2 hours on site going over all the little details. We will get a report and the builders will have to sort it all out.

Some of the bigger problems: drain to soak wells is nowhere near downpipe. It was raining when we started the inspection, you could see the water eroding the sand next to the driveway paving.

This downpipe isn't plumb, but even if it was, it wouldn't line up with the drain so same problem as above. Also the render still hasn't been cleaned from the mess the grano guys made.

Although it will eventually be covered by our bamboo flooring, the slab next to full height windows needs to be filled in. Not all the way, there needs to be a cavity for drainage if water ever makes it under the window frame.

This door has been hung the wrong way! I only realised when I opened it from the hallway and reached my hand in for the light switch. I couldn't feel a switch and realised it was on the other side of the door. How stupid, I thought and went to check the wiring plan. Seems the wiring is fine, but the door is supposed to swing inward toward the hall and be hinged on the other side.

If we left it this way, we could potentially be banging it into car bumpers depending on how far in we parked. Apparently the entire frame is the wrong type as it can only fit one way due to the step down into the garage. What a mess.

Here's one I've known about for awhile. When the plumber was fitting the drains that run to the soak wells he managed to knock out a big chunk of the footing for the feature wall. The wall isn't load bearing and it's tied to the main wall, but it's effectively hanging in mid-air.

I won't bore you with all the other little chips, cracks and scratches. We've been told they usually allow 2 weeks to sort out problems after PCI, but considering their recent pace I find that very hard to believe.