Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The soak wells are in

This thing was brought in today to dig some holes for the soak wells.

We had no idea where they were going to be placed, it was never on any of the drawings. Still a bit unsure as the only evidence that they're there is the pipes. Going to have to be careful if we do any digging to landscape the front.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

We have a slab!

So it's Grand Final Saturday and also a long weekend in WA, we thought there was no way the guys would be doing any work but figured we'd drive past the block on our way out just to check. This was at about 11:00am and low & behold the guys were already smoothing out the top of the slab! We walked back down in the afternoon and everything was done.

Some of these corners look a bit suss, Nono would not be impressed.

Friday, September 24, 2010


Looks like the guys have been busy, I drove past last night to find a maze of pegs, string and trenches dug. About half of the footings had already been poured but it was too dark to take any photos. Today we arrived to see this:

There seems to be quite a bit more reinforcement for this section than further back even though they're both zero-lot walls. I guess the front is sitting where they've had to add soil. Not sure what all the motor oil is about?

So I guess everything is ready to go for the slab to be poured after the long weekend. The soakwells have also been delivered, I thought they were going in before the slab but apparently not.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


Walked down to the block today to find evidence that someone has done a lap to take measurements for the compaction certificate.

Also found this strange box sitting on the curb.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


It's been a long time coming, but work has finally started on our block. The cut and fill was performed yesterday and the compaction done today I think. Now waiting for someone to come and take the measurements so that they can issue the compaction certificate and then work can start on the slab. Finally something to get excited about!

This roughly shows how the floor plan will cover the surface area. I'm standing on the back fence to take this picture. The back of the house finishes about 4m from the rear boundary. Can't see much detail up the front due to the perspective and unless I can get onto the neighbours roof across the road, I won't be able to do the same thing from the opposite angle.